
Remote medical consultations

You will be able to get profession medical opinion of cardiologists from the comfort of home. In order to do this, you will need to grant access to your physician to your personal ECG archive. This way, the doctor will be able to make corrections to automated ECG reports, browse ECG changes and patient dynamics based on the data stored on our server. Based on your medical history and the analysis of ECG results, the doctor will be able to give recommendations for prevention or treatment and save the relevant medical history on the server. By using our services, you will have the opportunity to consult a doctor located anywhere in the world.

Before requesting a remote consultation based on "Cardiometer-MT" registered ECG, you should make an appointment with a doctor in your chosen medical center for initial medical examination, establishment of an account with the center.

All services of affiliated medical centers are provided for a fee.

Providing access to your personal ECG archives

Any board-cert,ified cardiologist with internet access can download "Physician’s desktop" software for free and register an account on Cardioserver. Tell your personal physician about this opportunity.

In order to access patient’s ECG files stored on Cardioserver, your personal physician will need to have internet access, install "Physician’s desktop" software on their computer and create a personal user profile.

Any board-certified cardiologist with internet access can download "Physician’s desktop" software for free and register an account on Cardioserver. Tell your personal physician about this opportunity.

Patients registered on our server can personally select the doctors that will be granted access to their ECG files.

In order to grant access permissions to your ECG files to your doctor, you will need to:

  1. log into your personal user account;
  2. navigate to "My Doctors" menu under your personal user profile;
  3. search for a medical center and a doctor ID that you would like to add;
  4. press "Apply".

To get your physician’s opinion, you will need to contact your doctor.